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COMPONENT INSTALL PROBLEM JOOMLA 4 years 11 months ago #1680

  • FEY
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Hi, i wanted to test this plugin.
I try to install this, no problem with the plugins but with component i have this message and i can't find the component. I can't use the shortcodes and i think it's because this component failed...
Do you know what the problem is ?
Extensions : Installation - Joomla - Administration #loading { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8) url('/media/jui/images/ajax-loader.gif') 50% 15% no-repeat; position: fixed; opacity: 0.8; -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity = 80); filter: alpha(opacity = 80); overflow: hidden; } #dragarea { background-color: #fafbfc; border: 1px dashed #999; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 5% 0; transition: all 0.2s ease 0s; width: 100%; } #dragarea p.lead { color: #999; } #upload-icon { font-size: 48px; width: auto; height: auto; margin: 0; line-height: 175%; color: #999; transition: all .2s; } #dragarea.hover { border-color: #666; background-color: #eee; } #dragarea.hover #upload-icon, #dragarea p.lead { color: #666; } .upload-progress, .install-progress { width: 50%; margin: 5px auto; } /* Default transition (.3s) is too slow, progress will not run to 100% */ .upload-progress .progress .bar { -webkit-transition: width .1s; -moz-transition: width .1s; -o-transition: width .1s; transition: width .1s; } #dragarea[data-state=pending] .upload-progress { display: none; } #dragarea[data-state=pending] .install-progress { display: none; } #dragarea[data-state=uploading] .install-progress { display: none; } #dragarea[data-state=uploading] .upload-actions { display: none; } #dragarea[data-state=installing] .upload-progress { display: none; } #dragarea[data-state=installing] .upload-actions { display: none; } .menu-com_dropfiles-16 {background: url(components/com_dropfiles/assets/images/com_dropfiles-16.png) no-repeat;} .menu-com_droppics-16 {background: url(components/com_droppics/assets/images/com_droppics-16.png) no-repeat;} .menu-s_com_mymaplocations {background: url(components/com_mymaplocations/assets/images/s_com_mymaplocations.png) no-repeat;} .menu-s_locations {background: url(components/com_mymaplocations/assets/images/s_locations.png) no-repeat;} {"csrf.token":"4eace9a7ae927ef48530850119e3911b","system.paths":{"root":"","base":"\/administrator"},"joomla.jtext":{"JTOGGLE_HIDE_SIDEBAR":"Cacher la barre lat\u00e9rale","JTOGGLE_SHOW_SIDEBAR":"Afficher la barre lat\u00e9rale","PLG_INSTALLER_PACKAGEINSTALLER_UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN":"Error: Unknown error or invalid JSON output.","PLG_INSTALLER_PACKAGEINSTALLER_UPLOAD_ERROR_EMPTY":"Error: Server returns empty response.","COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_ENTER_A_URL":"Veuillez saisir une URL","COM_INSTALLER_WEBINSTALLER_INSTALL_OBSOLETE":"Le plug-in \u201bInstallation depuis le Web' doit \u00eatre mis \u00e0 jour.","COM_INSTALLER_WEBINSTALLER_INSTALL_UPDATE_AVAILABLE":"Une mise \u00e0 jour du plug-in \u201bInstallation depuis le Web' est disponible. Il est conseill\u00e9 de mettre \u00e0 jour d\u00e8s que possible.","JLIB_INSTALLER_UPDATE":"Mettre \u00e0 jour","PLG_INSTALLER_WEBINSTALLER_CANNOT_INSTALL_EXTENSION_IN_PLUGIN":"This extension cannot be installed using the install from web system. Please visit the developer's website to purchase\/download.","PLG_INSTALLER_WEBINSTALLER_REDIRECT_TO_EXTERNAL_SITE_TO_INSTALL":"You will be redirected to the following link to complete the registration\/purchase: [SITEURL]"},"plg_installer_webinstaller":{"base_url":"https:\/\/appscdn.joomla.org\/webapps\/","installat_url":"F0b3IvaW5kZXgucGhwP29wdGlvbj1jb21faW5zdGFsbGVyJnZpZXc9aW5zdGFsbA==","installfrom_url":"","product":"SmxhIQ==","release":"My45","dev_level":"MTU=","installfromon":0,"language":"ZnItRlI=","is_hathor":0,"pv":"Mi4wLjE="}} jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if (window.toggleSidebar) { toggleSidebar(true); } else { $("#j-toggle-sidebar-header").css("display", "none"); $("#j-toggle-button-wrapper").css("display", "none"); } }); jQuery(function($){ initTooltips(); $("body").on("subform-row-add", initTooltips); function initTooltips (event, container) { container = container || document;$(container).find(".hasTooltip").tooltip({"html": true,"container": "body"});} }); Joomla.submitbutton4 = function() { var form = document.getElementById("adminForm"); // do field validation if (form.install_url.value == "" || form.install_url.value == "http://" || form.install_url.value == "https://") { alert("Veuillez saisir une URL"); } else { JoomlaInstaller.showLoading(); form.installtype.value = "url"; form.submit(); } }; Joomla.submitbuttonInstallWebInstaller = function() { var form = document.getElementById("adminForm"); form.install_url.value = "appscdn.joomla.org/webapps/jedapps/webinstaller.xml"; Joomla.submitbutton4(); }; // Add spindle-wheel for installations: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var outerDiv = $("#installer-install"); JoomlaInstaller.getLoadingOverlay() .css("top", outerDiv.position().top - $(window).scrollTop()) .css("left", "0") .css("width", "100%") .css("height", "100%") .css("display", "none") .css("margin-top", "-10px"); }); var JoomlaInstaller = { getLoadingOverlay: function () { return jQuery("#loading"); }, showLoading: function () { this.getLoadingOverlay().css("display", "block"); }, hideLoading: function () { this.getLoadingOverlay().css("display", "none"); } }; jQuery(function($){ $("#myTab a").click(function (e) {e.preventDefault();$(this).tab("show");});}); ;(function ($) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': Joomla.getOptions('csrf.token') } }); })(jQuery); Joomla.submitbuttonpackage = function() { var form = document.getElementById("adminForm"); // do field validation if (form.install_package.value == "") { alert("Sélectionner un paquet à transférer"); } else { JoomlaInstaller.showLoading(); form.installtype.value = "upload" form.submit(); } }; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if (typeof FormData === 'undefined') { $('#legacy-uploader').show(); $('#uploader-wrapper').hide(); return; } var uploading = false; var dragZone = $('#dragarea'); var fileInput = $('#install_package'); var button = $('#select-file-button'); var url = 'index.php?option=com_installer&task=install.ajax_upload'; var returnUrl = $('#installer-return').val(); var actions = $('.upload-actions'); var progress = $('.upload-progress'); var progressBar = progress.find('.bar'); var percentage = progress.find('.uploading-number'); if (returnUrl) { url += '&return=' + returnUrl; } button.on('click', function(e) { fileInput.click(); }); fileInput.on('change', function (e) { if (uploading) { return; } Joomla.submitbuttonpackage(); }); dragZone.on('dragenter', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragZone.addClass('hover'); return false; }); // Notify user when file is over the drop area dragZone.on('dragover', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragZone.addClass('hover'); return false; }); dragZone.on('dragleave', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragZone.removeClass('hover'); return false; }); dragZone.on('drop', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragZone.removeClass('hover'); if (uploading) { return; } var files = e.originalEvent.target.files || e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; if (!files.length) { return; } var file = files[0]; var data = new FormData; data.append('install_package', file); data.append('installtype', 'upload'); dragZone.attr('data-state', 'uploading'); uploading = true; $.ajax({ url: url, data: data, type: 'post', processData: false, cache: false, contentType: false, xhr: function () { var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); progressBar.css('width', 0); progressBar.attr('aria-valuenow', 0); percentage.text(0); // Upload progress xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (evt) { if (evt.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = evt.loaded / evt.total; var number = Math.round(percentComplete * 100); progressBar.css('width', number + '%'); progressBar.attr('aria-valuenow', number); percentage.text(number); if (number === 100) { dragZone.attr('data-state', 'installing'); } } }, false); return xhr; } }) .done(function (res) { // Handle extension fatal error if (!res || (!res.success && !res.data)) { showError(res); return; } // Always redirect that can show message queue from session if (res.data.redirect) { location.href = res.data.redirect; } else { location.href = 'index.php?option=com_installer&view=install'; } }).error(function (error) { uploading = false; if (error.status === 200) { var res = error.responseText || error.responseJSON; showError(res); } else { showError(error.statusText); } }); function showError(res) { dragZone.attr('data-state', 'pending'); var message = Joomla.JText._('PLG_INSTALLER_PACKAGEINSTALLER_UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN'); if (res == null) { message = Joomla.JText._('PLG_INSTALLER_PACKAGEINSTALLER_UPLOAD_ERROR_EMPTY'); } else if (typeof res === 'string') { // Let's remove unnecessary HTML message = res.replace(/( ]+)>|\s+)/g, ' '); } else if (res.message) { message = res.message; } Joomla.renderMessages({error: [message]}); } }); }); Joomla.submitbuttonfolder = function() { var form = document.getElementById("adminForm"); // do field validation if (form.install_directory.value == "") { alert("Soumettre un répertoire"); } else { JoomlaInstaller.showLoading(); form.installtype.value = "folder" form.submit(); } }; Joomla.submitbuttonurl = function() { var form = document.getElementById("adminForm"); // do field validation if (form.install_url.value == "" || form.install_url.value == "http://" || form.install_url.value == "https://") { alert("Soumettre une URL"); } else { JoomlaInstaller.showLoading(); form.installtype.value = "url" form.submit(); } }; jQuery(function($){ $("#myTabTabs").append($(" Installer \u00e0 partir du Web ")); }); jQuery(function($){ $("#myTabTabs").append($(" Transf\u00e9rer un paquet ")); }); jQuery(function($){ $("#myTabTabs").append($(" Installer \u00e0 partir d'un r\u00e9pertoire ")); }); jQuery(function($){ $("#myTabTabs").append($(" Installer \u00e0 partir d'une URL ")); }); jQuery(document).ready(function () { var ifwOptions = Joomla.getOptions('plg_installer_webinstaller', {}); var ifwLink = jQuery('#myTabTabs').find('li a[href="#web"]'); var ifwRelativeSelector = 'li'; if (ifwOptions.is_hathor) { jQuery('#mywebinstaller').show(); ifwLink = jQuery('#mywebinstaller').find('a'); ifwRelativeSelector = 'a'; } if (ifwOptions.installfromon) { ifwLink.click(); } if (!ifwOptions.is_hathor && ifwLink.closest('li').hasClass('active')) { if (!Joomla.apps.loaded) { Joomla.apps.initialize(); } } ifwLink.closest(ifwRelativeSelector).click(function (event) { if (!Joomla.apps.loaded) { Joomla.apps.initialize(); } }); if (ifwOptions.installfrom_url !== '') { ifwLink.closest(ifwRelativeSelector).click(); } ifwLink.on('shown', function (e) { if (!Joomla.apps.loaded) { Joomla.apps.initialize(); } }); }); Basculer la navigation Aller au contenu principal Panneau d'administration Joomla Système Panneau d'administration Configuration Déverrouiller Purger le cache Effacer les fichiers cache expirés Informations système Utilisateurs Utilisateurs Ajouter un utilisateur Groupes Ajouter un groupe Niveaux d'accès Ajouter un niveau d'accès Champs Groupes de champs Notes utilisateurs Ajouter une note utilisateur Catégories des notes Ajouter une catégorie Envoi d'e-mails en nombre Menus Gérer Ajouter un menu Tous les liens de menu Site Main Menu Ajouter un lien de menu Contenu Articles Ajouter un article Catégories Ajouter une catégorie Articles en vedette Champs Groupes de champs Médias Composants Associations multilingues Bannières Bannières Catégories Clients Suivi DropEditor Profiles Custom styles Dropfiles Droppics Dxfontawesome Dxfontawesome Fiches de contact Contacts Catégories Fils d'actualité Fils d'actualité Catégories Gantry 5 Themes Available Themes Default Theme JD Profiler Profiles Teams JOOM Downloads Category Product Release Downloads Messagerie privée Nouveau message privé Messages de post-installation Mise à jour de Joomla! My Maps location Locations Catégorie Import - Export Configuration Recherche Recherche avancée Redirections Tags Extensions Gérer Installation Mises à jour Gestion Découvrir Base de données Avertissements Installation de langues Sites de mise à jour Modules Plug-ins Templates Styles Templates Langues Installées Langues de contenu Substitutions Aide Aide Joomla! Forum de support officiel Forum officiel français Documentation Wiki Extensions Joomla! Traductions Joomla! Ressources Joomla! Portail de la communauté Centre de sécurité Ressources développeurs Stack Exchange Boutique Joomla! Menu Utilisateur Super User Modifier le compte Déconnexion Joomla Extensions : Installation Barre d'outils Le contenu principal commence ici Paramètres Aide × Message All the plugins successfully Installed and Enabled. // Set the first tab to active if there is no other active tab jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var hasTab = function(href){ return $('a[data-toggle="tab"]a[href*="' + href + '"]').length; }; if (!hasTab(localStorage.getItem('tab-href'))) { var tabAnchor = $("#myTabTabs li:first a"); window.localStorage.setItem('tab-href', tabAnchor.attr('href')); tabAnchor.click(); } }); Installation Mises à jour Gestion Découvrir Base de données Avertissements Installation de langues Sites de mise à jour Chargement... × Impossible de se connecter au serveur Joomla! Merci d'essayer plus tard. Merci de confirmer l'installation en cliquant sur le bouton 'Installer'. Nom de l'extension: Installer depuis : Transférer et installer une extension Joomla Uploading ... 0 % Installing ... Glisser-déposer le fichier à transférer. Ou rechercher le fichier Taille maximum de téléchargement : 128M Fichier de paquet d'extension Taille maximum de téléchargement : 128M Transférer & installer Installer à partir d'un répertoire Installer à partir d'un répertoire Installer à partir d'une URL Installer à partir d'une URL Joomla! 3.9.15 — © 2020 Joomla Voir le site 1 Utilisateur connecté 2 Administrateurs 0 Messages Déconnexion
The administrator has disabled public write access.

COMPONENT INSTALL PROBLEM JOOMLA 4 years 11 months ago #1684

  • eLEOPARD's Avatar
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Dear FEY,

Apologies for the delayed reply due to holidays in India.
Have you tried re-installing the plugin using FTP? If not please try it.
Sometimes the server/web hosting provider has restrictions in file uploads.
The administrator has disabled public write access.
Time to create page: 0.112 seconds

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